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Kitchen Tools


Kitchen appliances can be a blessing or a curse. The CURSE is when you have too many appliances that you never use because you bought them on a whim and now they just take up space in either your cupboards or even worse, on a shelf in the garage collecting dust. Not only are they a waste of space but also a waste of money.  The BLESSING is when you find one that allows you to do a job more efficiently and quickly so that you can spend the majority of your time experiencing the joy of life through your children’s eyes, rather than telling them to stop pulling at your shirt cause you are “too busy cooking dinner”.

The only kitchen tools that make my favourites list and that I recommend are those that I actually use on a regular basis (at least once a week), usually serve more than one purpose, and allow me to prepare healthy food more efficiently and quickly. Sometimes it’s better to pay a little more for a good quality product that you know is going to last and do exactly what you want it to do, while other times just the thing you need is only a few dollars at Walmart. I have a combination of both. The times that I pay a pretty penny are not done without diligent research and review reading.

My opinion of these products will come to you honestly as I don’t think that every appliance is right for everyone. The ones listed here however are those that I have based on a need that I have discovered while working in the kitchen. Some of the tools may not be necessary for you as certain tasks can be done without, but just take a little longer. I guess it all depends on what you are willing to spend, how you want to use your time and if you want to do the job more quickly or with a little less effort.

One example might be, opening and demeating a coconut for example. With how much we love fresh coconut, it makes sense to have the right tools to make this a quick and painless job. If however, you don’t like coconut, then a coconut demeating tool might not be worth the investment.

I hope you find the following information useful and please be sure to share any tools,tips or products that you have discovered as you work in your own kitchens.