Cheese Please Sauce
Recipe type: Nutritarian
A tasty and versatile vegan cheese sauce that tastes great raw or cooked.
  • 1 large yellow onion (rough chopped)
  • 1 large red pepper (raw, roasted or sautéed)
  • 1 cup nutritional yeast
  • 3 TB cashews
  • 1 TB tahini (sesame butter, optional)
  • 2 cloves garlic (chopped, optional)
  • ¼-1/2 jalapeño (seeded, optional)
  • ¼ tsp salt (optional)
  1. If you choose to roast the red pepper, put on a pan with parchment in the oven at 400 for 30 minutes turning once, or you can buy them already roasted. If you choose not to roast then sauté them with the onions.
  2. Water sauté the onion, cashews & red peppers (reserve 1 tablespoon red pepper ) in a pan until the onions & red peppers are tender.
  3. Once ready, pour the onion mixture into the blender with the nutritional yeast, tahini and salt and blend until smooth.
  4. Mean while, do a quick water sauté on the last 1 TB of red pepper (small chopped), jalapeno & garlic while the mixture is blending.
  5. Add this to the blender and do about 5 quick pulses to blend but not too much as we want to see little bits of red & green fleck for visual appeal.
  6. If you prefer no spice, then just leave out the jalapeño and sauté all the red pepper and garlic with the onion.
  7. Best served warm but not necessary.
  8. If you want it raw then just throw everything in the blender straight way and serve.
Recipe by Nutritarian Kids In The Making at